Welcome to Oxford Bible Tours

All tours offered on this site are developed and presented by Andrew and Janice Henderson. The purpose of our tours is to allow Jehovah’s Witnesses and interested ones to explore Oxford’s rich and fascinating history and museums in a way that strengthens their faith in the Bible as a book of truth.

From 1 September 2022, you will no longer be able to book a tour on this site.
Instead, if you wish to book a tour for a group (8+ connections), please use the
contact form stating:

where you are in the world (for time zones)

which tour(s) you are interested in

the size of your group

We will then contact you to arrange a suitable date and time to do the tour for you.
Please note that tours for groups in European and American time zones are usually
done on a Saturday, and tours for groups in Australasia time zones on a Monday,
but this may be adjusted if necessary.



Oxford University & Its Bible Champions

This is a 2 hour tour with a 10 minute break half way.

We will discover how the University’s unique ‘collegiate’ system developed and learn about some of the champions of the Bible who lived and worked here, such as John Wyclif and William Tyndale. See where the very first English Bible was translated, and learn about the University’s links to the King James Bible.

Natural History Museum

The Geological Record - Where Does the Evidence Lead?

About 2 hours 20 minutes including a 10 minute break

This tour examines exhibits displayed in the University Museum of Natural History in the light of recently published scientific research. In doing so the tour raises some thought-provoking questions about the validity of the standard view of the geological record.

John Wyclif

John Wyclif "Flower of Oxford”

1 hour 45 minutes

This tour focuses on the life and activities of 14th Century scholar John Wyclif. Who was he? Why was he called “The Flower of Oxford”? And what impact did his teachings have, if any, on the 16th Century Reformation triggered by Martin Luther? By the end of the tour you will have become better acquainted with this extraordinary Oxford Bible Champion and his beliefs.

Ashmolean Museum - Lewis Clarke / Oxford : Ashmolean Museum

The Genesis Account: Crossing Cultures

About 2 hours long including a 10 minute break

This tour is based on exhibits in the Ashmolean Museum and follows the theme of “Crossing Cultures, Crossing Time” adopted by the Museum for the new display strategy it set up in 2009. In this tour we examine artefacts from some of the oldest known cultures and their associated mythologies to consider if we can discern any connections with the account of man’s origins found in the Bible book of Genesis..

Isaac Newton - Truth Seeker

You will love this tour developed and presented by our good friend Renee Moore. It is available to watch as a series of videos. To access these, please click this link to visit Renee’s website.


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